2010년 12월 5일 일요일

Where did Nefertiti's mummy disappear?

   Today, I watching the TV program on Nefertiti's bust. I write contents on it to my blog. Nefertiti is queen's name of ancient Egypt. Nefertiti is Egypt 3 great beauty with Cleopatra, Anck-Su-Namum. But, all recordings about her disappeared in history since 1367 B.C. 1912, Germanic archeology team found her bust. Nefertiti's bust is shown various image about viewing angle.
   The above photograph is her bust. Taking this opportunity, all the world archeologists searching for Nefertiti's mummy, but her mummy was not found anywhere. I who is interested about mystery and things about Egypt saw interestingly. I'm very wonder when her mummy will be found.

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